Family suffers hate crime ordeal from neighbours

29 May

Have you heard this story about a family targeted by their neighbours because their son is autistic?

  Have you heard this story about a family targeted by their neighbours because their son is autistic?


No, tell us what happened.


  No I haven’t. Tell us what happened.


Kylie and Aaron Sidney and their two children, Josh and Javanna, were victims of hate crime for over two years


  Kylie and Aaron Sidney and their two children, Josh and Javanna, were victims of hate crime for over two years.

Yes, I heard about this. They were calling Kylie and Josh really abusive names. The bullies also were smashing the family’s windows, doors and 3 of their cars

  Yes, I heard about this. They were calling Kylie and Josh really abusive names. The bullies also were smashing the family’s windows, doors and 3 of their cars. 





And they even put a firework through their letterbox! They wouldn’t leave the family alone and even held their cat hostage.


The family were very afraid all the time and scared to leave their home. This was very stressful.  Javanna was so scared she ran away and had to live somewhere else

  The family were very afraid all the time and scared to leave their home. This was very stressful.  Javanna was so scared she ran away and had to live somewhere else.


The stress made Kylie’s epilepsy worse so she was having 20 fits a day. This made it difficult for her to speak or move



  The stress made Kylie’s epilepsy worse so she was having 20 fits a day. This made it difficult for her to speak or move. Aaron had to look after Kylie as well as Josh all the time.

One day, one of the abusers was kicking the family’s door and shouting abuse. Kylie ran upstairs to call the police. Because she was so frightened she had an epileptic fit and fell downstairs and broke her back. Now she has pain all the time and has to use a wheelchair


One day, one of the abusers was kicking the family’s door and shouting abuse. Kylie ran upstairs to call the police. Because she was so frightened she had an epileptic fit and fell downstairs and broke her back. Now she has pain all the time and has to use a wheelchair.


The attacks on the family continued after Kylie’s accident and she refused to leave the house at all for four months.

  The attacks on the family continued after Kylie’s accident and she refused to leave the house at all for four months. The family were telling the police everything that was happening and they were supposed to be keeping a record for evidence. But the family felt like they were being a nuisance because they were reporting abuse all the time.



  The Police said it would be easier to move the family than to evict the bullies. Kylie, Aaron and Josh moved to a different home where they felt safer.


The stress made Kylie’s epilepsy worse so she was having 20 fits a day. This made it difficult for her to speak or move

  But the bullies were still harassing the family when they went out and about in the area. One day at the supermarket the abusers smashed the windscreen and doors of their car while Kylie was sitting in it. There was no CCTV evidence and the witnesses who saw what happened were too scared to speak to the police.


Despite everything that has happened Kylie has set up a charity called the Kylie Foundation to help other people who have experienced hate crime

  Despite everything that has happened, Kylie has set up a charity called the Kylie Foundation to help other people who have experienced hate crime.

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