Disabled woman killed by friends she thought she knew

10 Oct

I felt sorry for Miss Hayter, the way she was treated. She was a vulnerable person with learning disabilities and she lived independently.


I am pleased the three people who did this have been given life sentences for what they did.



I know the other two people got lighter sentences for manslaughter. I hope this will teach them a lesson they will never forget.


Malak is shocked


I can’t believe the injuries Miss Hayter suffered and what the five people did to her.


This story is like the examples in the Equality and Human Rights Commission Report, ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’. The report gives examples of the harassment disabled people face. The stories show the horrible abuse that disabled people go through and they tell us how people are left alone to suffer. As a community, we let disabled people down when we ignore this kind of abuse. Shame on Britain!

Frances Affleck


Frances Affleck, CHANGE Power Changer Co-ordinator, says, “People with learning disabilities need good support. They should be believed when they speak up about bullying and information about how to get help must be accessible.”

Craig Bricklebank


Craig Bricklebank, CHANGE Power Changer Trainer says, “I think harassment of disabled people is wrong. Sometimes when a disabled person tells the police it doesnt get recorded as a disability hate crime.”

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